
project outline

when and where

rewiring reality

tech details


‘aural codes’ rewires computer networks to am - radio.

it interpretes data streams of computer networks in the region as digital representations of sound and uses some of them as sound-sources, others as process-controls.
the sound sources are fed into a dsp - blackbox controlled by the process-controls. additionally interactive gateways are spread over the local area (serial-sockets on street corners, etc.) giving the audience the chance to enhance their local bit of ubiquity.

thus a hybrid network of possibilities of influences is set up. the resulting stream of sonic events is modulated onto a carrier-frequency and broadcast via radio as a reassuringly meaningless noiseband hidden between all the other noises in the AM-range.

every sonic event is information and via the mediator energy-exchange, all information can become a sonic event.

‘aural codes’ is a hearing aid, a hearing aid for listening in its widest sense. something that originally cannot be heard is transposed into something that - without technical equipment - cannot be heard.


currently no ongoing broadcast. click here to listen to an excerpt of aural codes last broadcast in .mp3 format.


recent broadcasts:

novermber 25th 2001 - januray 14th 2002:
local diffusion at huddersfield media centre as part of the
huddersfield contemporary music festival

october 24th - november 17th 2001:
transmission as part of digital summer and futuresonic from idea's dadi building
covered area: 2 miles radius around the dadi building (grosvenor str./oxford rd.)
transmission frequency: 1602 KHz (AM-radio)

september 26th - october 18th 2001:
transmission from hoxton hall (east london)
covered area: 2 miles around hoxton market
transmission frequency: 1503 KHz (AM-radio)

for further information please feel free to contact us at info [at] volkmarklien [dot] com.